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Are you one of those guys who is very much interested in doing your higher studies in Dubai or somewhere in the UAE? Or are you the person who is eagerly awaiting to find a job in the UAE? If so, you may be in need of attestation of your diploma certificates. Without having your certificates attested, you will not be able to use it anywhere in the UAE. Therefore, if you have your diploma certificates you need to get it attested. Let us know well about this.
What is Diploma Certificate Attestation in Dubai, UAE?
Well, diploma certificate attestation in Dubai, UAE is an act of witnessing documents by the concerned authorities, authorized persons, and departments with their signs and seals. Attestation in Dubai is required for the documents intended to use in another country. More interestingly, through the attestation process, you can prove that the issued document is genuine and authentic. So, if you really want to get a diploma certificate attestation, you need to get authentication and legalization from the concerned authorities.
What is meant by the Diploma Certificate?
A Diploma Certificate is an educational certificate provided to the students who have completed a diploma course. If you intend to use UAE issued diploma certificate for higher studies or other purposes in another country, you need to get an attestation from the UAE (MOFAIC).
What is the procedure of Diploma Certificate Attestation in Dubai?
Well, the diploma certificate attestation procedure includes authentication and legalization steps. However, it is very much necessary to get certification from all the concerned authorities to prove the authenticity of the documents. Within the process, the diploma Certificate issuing governing authority attests to the certificate. Once this is done, MOFAIC attests to the certificate. Let us have a look into the process in detail.
At first, the Diploma certificate is attested by the issuing authority and that is the Ministry of Education UAE.
After this, the document gets an attestation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
Let Us Know More About the Diploma Certificate Attestation in Dubai:
As you might know, diploma certificate attestation in Dubai is an authentication and legalization process. It is very much required for the UAE issued documents intended to use in another country for higher studies or other purposes. Moreover, through attestation you can also prove the authenticity and legitimacy of the signed and attested document.
Which are the required documents for the diploma attestation in Dubai?
The documents provided for the diploma certificate attestation must be valid and original. If any deceitful document is discovered, strict actions will be taken against the person. In order to get your diploma certificate attested in Dubai, you will have to provide the original diploma certificate, copy of your passport, and other supporting documents.
Let us now once again have a glance into the certificate attestation procedure in UAE:
At first there will be the legal official public attestation and then Home department validation or HRD. Then it will be followed by the service of outside affairs attestation and then UAE international safe haven attestation from the testament gave nation.
As we are reaching towards the conclusion of our discussion on the diploma certificate attestation in Dubai, UAE what we need to be reminded is nothing but the very fact that even if one has the diploma certificate, in order to use it in another country for any legal purpose or for getting a job or for higher studies, one needs to get it attested. And the attestation of your certificate is of utmost importance if you are planning to use it for any purpose.
If you are in need of attesting your certificate in Dubai, UAE, don’t be worried about the time consuming process. We the FIMKIN team of experts are always willing to extend our helping hand towards you. Therefore if you have any queries or clarifications regarding this or if you need any helps regarding the certificate attestation, kindly feel free to reach out to us in FIMKIN.