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Demographic Diversities Have Been Eased: New Beginning and New Dreams in UAE

Are you one among those people who are eagerly waiting to get a chance to be employed in the United Arab Emirates? Be happy! Your golden opportunities are here. It is really heartwarming to see that some companies in the UAE are now able to procure work visas for new employees that were stuck earlier over a demographic diversity requirement.
If you are eagerly waiting for updates regarding this, you are most welcome. Because all that you need to know regarding this is explained in a simple way.
What is it all about?
Oh! This is easily understandable and precise. Visa agents and business center executives have confirmed that they were able to clear a backlog of pending work permit and visa applications on Wednesday. It is a heartwarming news, isn’t it? Yes, it is. Because as we really ponder over the obstacles earlier it is really heartwarming.
Have you also been waiting?
If you too are one among those individuals who have been waiting for a solution to this, it is truly a golden opportunity for you. Because all those who were stuck over the demographic diversity requirement have been released from its tight holding.
What was the requirement earlier?
It is very important to note that the earlier requirement explains that, first 20 percent of available quotas in the establishments are allocated to different nationalities. It is also important to note that this procedure is linked to the demographic diversity of the establishment and is not associated with a specific nationality. I think now you are thoroughly clarified about what was the requirement earlier.
New changes:
We know that you are truly waiting to know the new changes. Yes, there are very many of them and they are also of great use to you. Now the companies can apply for visas regardless of nationality. So, you don’t have to worry about the country that you come from. Be cool and happy, because when we enquired if there was any possibility for it to change again the answer was as of now there is nothing.
Latest Update:
Many of the companies are able to process visa for the employees. All the visas that were stuck or rejected citing the demographic diversity issues were cleared.
There were companies who needed employees on urgent basis and it is such a relief for all of them.
Who will all benefit?
The answer is simple. All those companies who were struggling to recruit people due to this factor will now get a great relief and they will be able to recruit the employees with ease. And also many of the skilled labourers who were denied the opportunity only for the reason of demographic diversity will also be finding a great relief and will be greatly benefited by it.
Skilled employees, be ready to fly……
Are you also one among those skilled employees who really wish to fly? Don’t worry it is your time. As the demographic diversity rules have been eased, it is your time to embrace this golden opportunity. Make the maximum use of it. Don’t not worry if your visa was rejected earlier, it your time. Currently there is no concrete update to this demographic diversification requirement. It is not simply said, for, certain applications have been successful in their processing.
Let us have a last look!
What we have been discussing is nothing, but the demographic diversity rules have been ceased. This was a rule that came into existence due to the overpopulation of certain nationalities alone. Because the country really wanted to be more inclusive, and these various nationalities had to be there. And it was due to this factor that the demographic diversity rules have been used. But as of now it might be due to the realization that it would deny the opportunities of many of the skilled laborers, that it has been eased. Anyway, if you too are an eagerly waiting skilled laborer, don’t be worried but be happy that your opportunity too is on the way.
To know more, reach out to us at FIMKIN.