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Emirates ID fines: Who are exempted from paying late fees? All about fine exemption in your Emirates ID

To make it more simpler, let us have a clearcut idea of what actually is an Emirates ID fine. An Emirates ID fine would mean the amount of money that one has to pay if he or she has done something wrong according to the laws of United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The Emirates ID fine is something that has to be taken into serious consideration by all those who have been penalized. It is very important to understand that if anyone’s residency permit expires while they are outside United Arab Emirates will be automatically exempted from the fines and pay only the fees for renewing the card. It is also of very much importance to understand that every resident in the United Arab Emirates should have a valid Emirates ID card without any exemption. And it is very important to note that the failure in updation or renewal of your card can result in serious fines. And these fines will accumulate over time if it is not paid. But UAE residents can seek for exemptions to waive penalties if they face problems in updating their ID cards. The acceptable reasons for these exemptions are medical emergencies, travel restrictions or administrative errors.
As per the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customers and Port Security, individuals need to meet specific eligibility criteria for the fines to be waived. The Emirates ID card is actually an unavoidable document for all citizens and expatriates who live in the country. If a person fails in his duty of issuing or renewing the ID card after 30 days from expiry date, a fine of Dh20 per day will be imposed. The maximum fine that a person can receive is Dh1,000.
There are certain criterias upon which people can apply for exemption from Emirates ID fines. These criterias are well described below:
• Anyone whose residency permit expires while they are abroad will be subjected to automatic exemption from the fines and pay only the fees for renewing the card.
• Anyone whose Emirates ID validity expired while they were not in possession of their passport, either because it was being renewed or it was seized because of an ongoing court case, in these cases proof is needed in the form of either a passport renewal receipt, or an official letter from the authority that seized the passport to waive the fines.
• If the person is bedridden or suffering from a contagious decease the person is exempt from the fine provided the person submits a medical report issued by relevant authorities in the United Arab Emirates.
• Emiratis who are above the age of 70 if unable to visit the customer service centres are also exempted.
• Diplomatic staff or missions in consulates and also the embassies in the United Arab Emirates are also exempted.
• If the delay in updating or renewing the ID card is due to a computer error, the person is exempted from the fine.
• Emiratis who are under the social security system and those under their sponsorship also are exempted from the fine. But they have to prove their financial status with an official certificate issued by the ministry of Social Affairs or other relevant authorities.
How Can I Apply for Exemption?
It can be done through local customer happiness centers or typing centers. But wherever it may be the applicants are liable to provide their Emirates ID number, original passport and residency permit to complete the request. The authority will review each of the applications with utmost care while considering the provided documentation and reason for delay, before making a decision.
Therefore, it is now very clearly elaborated that the Emirates ID is of very much importance, and it has to be updated or renewed timely in order to avoid any kind of penalties. Therefore, it is considered to be as very important in United Arab Emirates. It is understood that every United Arab Emirates resident must have a valid Emirates ID card, and the failure that happens in renewing or updating the card can result in fines that will accumulate over time.