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Visa Cancellation

UAE’s visa cancellation process is rather effortless and hassle-free, if you are on the right track and also possess accurate knowledge about the procedures. The process of cancellation depends upon the type of visa you holds. If you are an employee, first you need to cancel your labor card and then the immigration part, in order to completely cancel your UAE residency.
Many of you will think that, what is the purpose of visa cancellation? Why is it necessary to cancel your visa? What are the consequences if you are not canceling your visa? These are some of the questions which pop-ups in your mind if you are wishing to initiate the process of visa cancellation.
Suppose if you are moving to another country or migrating to another job, then first of all you need to cancel your current UAE visa. Based on your category of visa, the cancellation differs. If you are an employee, then your employer should cancel your labor card and then initiate your immigration cancellation then only the residency cancellation process will be fulfilled. If you are under spouse sponsorship, then your spouse should cancel your visa and here there is no labor cancellation as you are under dependent visa. If you are under local’s sponsorship, then the Emirati should initiate your visa cancellation process.
The major purpose of cancellation is that, it will allow you to migrate to another country or another job. Then the next part is, why is it necessary to cancel your UAE residence visa? It is mandatory that you should cancel your current residence before your migration. There are chances for fines, absconding and rejection of new visas if you are not canceling the current residence. Imagine you are migrating to another job and you haven’t canceled your old visa, the new application of residence will either be rejected or returned stating that you have current visa. So, always make sure that you cancels your residence before you quit your job. Keep in mind that you receive all the settlements and payable from the company before you get cancellation of the visa. As per the UAE law, a company is obligated to pay all the payable for the employees before they cancel the labor and immigration. Also, it is the responsibility of the employee that they should make sure that, before signing the cancellation, they received all the allowances and gratuity from the employer.
All the employers and employees should make sure that they initiate the cancellation and also the dependents also make sure that before any migration, they gets the residency cancellation done.
What all are the process involved in cancellation? The cancellation process is not as much as tedious like you got your visa. The cancellation can be done straightforward without much hassle. Say you are a company employee or a family visa sponsored, you can get your visa canceled easily with our expert service. The required documents from your side is very less for initiating the cancellation procedures.
Why choose Fimkin?
Fimkin’s expert typing services provides you with the best PRO services through which you can complete all the PRO and typing works for your company as well as personal. Say it is new visa, visa renewal or cancellation, you can always relay on our expert team which guarantees reliable service and provides hassle-free solutions for your typing works.