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What is ARAMCO? Registering Companies with ARAMCO

ARAMCO is one of the world’s largest integrated energy and chemicals companies. Aramco is committed to play a pivotal role in the energy transition. They have the responsibility to help the world achieve a net zero economy, and their people are working hard to help in solving the world’s sustainability challenges. Saudi Aramco is world’s largest oil producer. Aramco is officially known as the Saudi Arabian Oil Company. It is a state owned company and is based in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
Registering Companies With Aramco:
If you own a company and you wish to do business with Saudi Aramco, you should register as a supplier through Saudi Aramco e-Marketplace Platform. In Kingdom based companies can submit a request for registration to become a supplier for Saudi Aramco by accessing register for In-Kingdom based suppliers.
What does it mean by In-Kingdom based suppliers?
Saudi Aramco’s Dhahran office is responsible for the registration of companies located in Saudi Arabia (In-Kingdom). Any of the companies that is interested in doing business with Saudi Aramco must register as a supplier through Saudi Aramco e-Marketplace platform.
What about the Out of Kingdom based suppliers?
If an international company wish to do business with Aramco and it is based outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, then the company must communicate with appropriate Aramco affiliated company such as Aramco Services Company (ASC), Aramco Overseas Company (AOC), or Aramco Asia Company (AAC). The company must communicate with any of these based on the geographical are of responsibility. ASC, AOC, or AAC will further evaluate the provided information and then determine whether there is a business need for the registration of additional materials or services. Any further evaluation and discussion will be based on the fact whether the supplier is financially and technically acceptable. If you are an international supplier and you are able to demonstrate that your materials or services offer significant technical or commercial benefit for the company will surely be considered further.
What are the Registration Requirements for the In-Kingdom based suppliers who wish to do business with Saudi Aramco?
There are vivid registration requirements for the In-Kingdom based suppliers to do business with Saudi Aramco. They are well described under important headlines.
Government Requirements:
- Should submit a valid copy of the commercial registration certificate.
- A valid copy of the Industrial License Certification.
- A valid copy of the SAGIA Certification.
- A valid copy of the Value Added Tax certification.
- A valid copy of the General Organization for Social Insurance Certification.
- A valid copy of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry Membership Certification.
- A valid copy of the civil defense license.
What are the Saudi Aramco requirements?
- First of all there should be an original acknowledgement of Saudi Aramco’s Suppliers code of conduct.
- A letter from the bank with which the company deals, stating the type of service that the bank normally provides to your company and relationship status.
- A valid company ownership profile with all the required documents to support it.
- Authorized signatory letter identifying the authorized company employees dealing with Saudi Aramco.
These are the requirements to be met if planning to do your business with Saudi Aramco. From the above given information you must have already understood how complicated it is to do business with Saudi Aramco. It is because of the demand that Saudi Aramco has all over the world. Therefore it is clearly understood that since a state owned company, Saudi Aramco won’t do any kind of compromises with regard to the rules to be kept in becoming its registered supplier.
If you are really planning to do business with Saudi Aramco or you have any queries related to the above given information, kindly reach out to us in FIMKIN.