Bangladesh Embassy Attestation

Bangladesh Embassy Attestation

Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world and is home to the world’s largest river delta which is formed by the Brahmaputra and Ganges river. Also, the country is one of the world’s emerging and fastest-growing economies. Bangladesh has cut extreme poverty in half and achieved lower-middle-income status. The economy of Bangladesh is largely dependent on agriculture, especially rice.

In case of bilateral relationship, UAE was the first Gulf country to recognize Bangladesh and establish diplomatic relations after its independence. Bangladesh opened its embassy in Abu Dhabi on 1970s and laid the foundation of the relations between the two countries. During the past 26 years, the exports of Bangladesh to the UAE have increased at an annualized rate. Even though both countries are having embassies each other, UAE stopped issuing visas for Bangladeshis after Bangladesh voted for Moscow for the host city of World Expo 2020. Still Bangladesh embassy is there in UAE to support the current citizens and serve the nationality.

Some of the services which are open in the Bangladesh embassy includes, passport renewal, embassy legalization, visa services and other consular acts. The nation still serves its fellow citizen over here in the United Arab Emirates.

Are you worried of attesting your document in the Bangladesh Embassy UAE? No worries when Fimkin, your trusted attestation partner will fulfill your embassy attestation within a snap of time. We can arrange the free pick up of your document, submission and completion of attestation in the document and deliver at your door-step. Our expert team can help you in all the attestation from consulates and embassies over here in the UAE. Say it is an educational document or non-education document or any commercial document, Fimkin will act as your wing-man and complete all the necessary attestation procedures. You can sit back and relax when Fimkin is your attestation partner.